Why $10?

Why $10?

A donation of $10 per shoebox gift is critical for Operation Christmas Child. It provides for:


After shoebox gifts are dropped off at nearly 5,000 locations around the United States each year in November, trucks transport the precious cargo to eight different processing centers.


Eight processing center warehouses around the country are secured so that thousands of volunteers can inspect the shoebox gifts and prepare them for international shipment.

Shipping to Over 100 Countries

Ships, trucks, and airplanes transport millions of shoeboxes to the countries where they will be distributed. Once there, local churches use many modes of transportation to get them to children in need as a tangible expression of God's love.

Gospel Materials

Your $10 donation to Operation Christmas Child, a project of Samaritan's Purse, helps us train and equip local churches to use our Ministry Partner Guide. This resource shows churches how to share the Good News of the Lord Jesus Christ in a child-friendly way.

Your donation also provides The Greatest Gift Gospel Booklets, which are written in the children's language and distributed along with shoebox gifts.

Ready to make your $10 donation online? Give now to Follow Your Box and discover the destination of your shoebox gift.

You can also give your donation via our Ways to Give page. This is a great option for churches or groups interested in making one combined donation for all the gifts they pack.

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